
RE Course - 8.00 - Generic Table

Work in Progress {.prompt-danger}

This chapter is going to cover reversing parts of a real DLL. The DLL we’re going to look at is NTDLL.dll. It’s quite a big DLL so we won’t reverse the whole thing. We’ll focus on the Generic Table (GT) functions. I’m choosing the generic table functions because they are semi-documented (so we can check our work), there are multiple functions, and they cover a variety of concepts.

The generic table data structure is publicly documented, however, for the purpose of learning you should avoid the documentation.

/posts/RECourse_CH08_00_GenericTable/ /posts/RECourse_CH08_01_InitializeTable/ /posts/RECourse_CH08_02_NumberGenericTableElements/ /posts/RECourse_CH08_03_IsGenericTableEmpty/ /posts/RECourse_CH08_04_GetElement/

Chapter 8 - Generic Table

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Eldad Eilam, and Elliot J Chikofsky. Reversing : Secrets of Reverse Engineering. Indianapolis, In, Wiley, 2005.

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